Thursday, August 6, 2015

Enjoying the Sunset and more in Buenavista: A Side Trip Proposition

Spending the night in Buenavista, Guimaras is like doing a retreat in the hussle and buzzle of city life.

If you want to feel like you are on a daily vacation mode, then the vibe of Buenavista is for you.

To get there you need to ride a pumpboat in the Parola. Riding the boat starts all the adventure.
 A pump boat is an outrigger canoe powered by a small gasoline or diesel engine.

After a 15-minute ride, you will arrive in Buenavista wharf.  Buenavista is the oldest municipality on Guimaras. It was established in 1775, during the Spanish colonial period. A Spanish governor general was reputedly impressed by the scenery of the location, and called the place Buenavista, Spanish for "beautiful view".

An unassuming place, i should say, the town of Buenavista's rustic beauty is enough to calm one's senses.
Upon arrival at the wharf, you will be greeted by courteous locals who will offer you  choices on what mode of transportation you prefer to take you around town.

The usual motorcycles which local calls Singgol(single), the tricycle(meaning motorcycle with the side car) or rent a jeepney.

Any of these transportations are okay depending on the number of the riders taking it. But the usual jeepney ride is suggested to get the feel of the place, its people and its sorroundings.

So while this is a sidetrip, Batchoy Republic recommends that you make a stop in the town center New Poblacion or simply called Calingao. New Poblacion (Calingao) belongs to the barangays of Municipality Buenavista which compose the center of the Municipality. And it is where the action happens.

Local restaurant are located in the area in the area. But for the the "cowboy" tourist, there is this unassuming kiosk near the public market that will provided you with a simple but interestingly adventure-filled gastronomic experience--MJ Fruit Shake.
The fruit shake is surprisingly good and it sells for only P10 pesos a cup! One can even buy at P5 for a smaller cup. Guimaras being the home of the sweetest mangoes in the world, this fruit shake is made from natural mangoes. Mind you, it is so refreshingly delicious!
Aside from the shake, another attraction are the fish balls. Surprisingly, these fish balls are soft, flavorful and tastes so good. You can choose to eat it with the sweet or hot sauce.

But here is the explosive catch about this place.
 Dynamite--a spring roll like specialty but different. Really different as this is not for the faint of heart. These "babies" are really explosive! Red and green chilly peppers wrapped in lumpia wrappers--It only costs 10 pesos a piece.The fruit shake is perfect to set off the fire! Just a perfect combo.

Calingao itself is an interesting place to wander around worth for a side trip. Mingle with locals in other homegrown restos. Two of more recognized are Pit Stop, owened by Eugene Torento and the place of the famous Mango Pizza. The other one is Buena Pastelle owned by Precy Reily.

One can simply enjoy the provincial atmosphere at the public plaza and market. A retreat from the city life for several hours, Buenavista is worth your time.

Don't worry about going back to Iloilo City when night time comes. Pumpboat trip is 24 hours a day. You just have to rent it though when it is already a little around 8pm or so.

But staying until around 7pm is already a complete trip for starters.

And yes, on the way back to the wharf, Enjoy the sunset...